for every 10 likes, i will roll 2d6. on a 7-9, i’ll post a normal piece of connie lore. on an overkill (10+), the lore will be worrisome, dishonest, or both. on a miss (6-), i will randomly tag someone who liked my post; YOU must share lore about yourself, instead
My minor, evil superpower is getting songs stuck in people’s heads. Exhibit A:
Oh, I! I just died in your arms tonight….. must’ve been something you said……., batter up!
some of my dreams, always negative ones, have literally come true, beat by beat it’s time to share with the masses ✨
CW food
I can and will eat everything except milk (dairy intolerance 😔), olives, and organs (except skin, I love skin…) Literally everything else is fair game!!
I did competitive powerlifting in high school and kept seriously training through college! I don’t prioritize it as much anymore, but I still enjoy talking about lifting