Christmas break anecdotal economic recap from friends & family:
Too many ppl in lines at the ski slopes
Lines out the doors at the malls to get into certain stores
Beach drinks are too expensive
DoorDash prices are like Disneyworld
Man this economy stinks!
Too many ppl in lines at the ski slopes
Lines out the doors at the malls to get into certain stores
Beach drinks are too expensive
DoorDash prices are like Disneyworld
Man this economy stinks!
US Population: +50%
Ski Areas: Down 4, no new opennings
Dec Temps: Up ~1 degree
It's just supply and demand.
Yet same data could read: "People can afford $15 drinks and ski trips"
Our brains weigh personal price shocks more heavily than broader economic signals.
Shame on commerce taking advantage of people during their remembrance of Christ's message charity.
Turn over a few tables.
You'll feel better.