Ok with me. I can’t listen to that voice anyway. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. Or a dentist drill. Or cats fighting. Or diarrhea in the stall next to you. All those at the same time
Maybe we can get Elon to do another cyberattack reenactment a🎬Take2…like he did on the Election Day to get the🏆for DJT…& instead have the entire power grid knocked out where no one can watch DJT’s SOTUA😜😜😜😜😜
No. You must absolutely not boycott that. On the contrary you should show up in force and make yourself be seen and heard! Revolt! Protest. Perform civil disobedience. Fight for your rights. Don’t let the billionaires exploit you, they will make you pay for their tax cut. Remove Trump now!
Immediately after he begins opening remarks, quietly stand up and leave the chamber. No fanfare, no MTG-style screeching/heckling, just quiet departure. Then gather on the Capitol steps and have AOC give the FACTUAL State of the Union.
The Dems should hold their own “congress” with the firebrands speaking, I’m talking AoC and Jasmine Crockett raising the energy and taking away the attention from the blabbering orange toddler
He makes me physically ill, so I won't watch. He's barely literate, son good luck with that. Maybe he can have Musk give it. He's running the country anyway.
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Not only is he barely literate but he can't pronounce words if he's even using the appropriate word and the LYING! Word salad going round & round.
He came to me & said Sir...
Ukraine needs to keep Trump and his band of sycophant morons OUT OF ANY AND ALL NEGOTIATIONS !!!!... Biden ensured Ukraine would be at maximum effectiveness and Russia at peak incompetence before he left office... The EU will take em across the finish line now 😉👍👍👍 https://www.yahoo.com/news/russia-war-machine-running-fumes-232633149.html
If that nasty MTG can wear a cap & T-shirt & not get kicked out because that attire is forbidden the Dems should all show up dressed like either Zelensky or Muskrat.
Imagine the scene: One by one, every Democrat in Congress silently stands and walks out as he speaks. No shouting, no theatrics—just a slow, deliberate exodus. The confusion, the outrage, the media frenzy—pure political theater at its finest. Now that would be must-watch TV.
I just posted about this recently. I think it would mean even more if even a few GOP members walked out as well. Or what else would be better is if everyone held up a Ukrainian Flag and just silently stood up and turned their backs on him
They'll just lie about them and the media will cover what they're told to cover. We'll have to get the truth from other, more reliable sources as usual.
Key Points
No Obligation to Attend: Members of Congress are not legally required to attend the speech. Some lawmakers occasionally boycott the event for political reasons.
AMERICONS should boycot the speech.:)))))))))))))))))))
Lie? The USA spent 120B in Ukraine’s defense. If you figure what is that amount compared to GDP and compare that percentage to what other nations paid, America is #14. We are the only ones suggesting that’s a loan. The country’s that’s liable is Russia! They started it, let them pay!
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
Dems need to respect the new established protocols for a "presidential address".
We need hecklers.
Mock him, yell at him, talk over him.
Disrupt and antagonize from the moment he steps in the door until he waddles off.
Is Squinty McHooker gong to skank up the place or is she still in hiding?
So TRUE! He thinks this is all just one big TV show. Horrified when he said Friday it will make great TV! Those negotiations should have never been televised. I won't believe anything but that it was a planned attack on Zelensky.
If only one person tunes in, he’ll say, “they had never seen anything like it before, they said it couldn’t be done! Never before had so many people watched a SOTU speech”
All dem members of congress should refuse to attend as well. Or if they attend simply shout over him the entire time. All norms and civility are gone at this point.
I have zero intention of watching a single second of his public lies. If I was an elected Democrat, I would not appear in the chamber, but be available to the media.
Democrats should boycott the Hitler like speech we know is coming tomorrow. But alias they are gutless. Even if half of the feckless democrats failed to show up that would send a strong message. I hope AOC who has more balls than all the men in that chamber put together decides to stay away.
I never watched his lying state of the union speeches while he was 45 and will not be watching Tuesday night! The only difference now is I won't be watching the analysis after his speech either!
You're kidding right? I have NEVER been able to listen to a word he says. It has gotten so bad not only do i have to mute him Now I need to throw something over the screen so I don't have to look at him.
We won’t be watching. We watched in the past even if we didn’t vote for or agree with whoever the president was at the time out of respect. This one deserves nothing.
If by boycott you mean "the only thing I would watch that gibbering baboon do is expire on national television like Jeoffrey Baratheon" I'm already there for the boycott.
His lies make me angry, but I can handle that. It's his infantile view of the world that embarrasses me so much that I find it difficult to watch him. I will find something else to do on Tuesday.
Imagine you’re on the battlefield, in the thick of the fight, and you have to choose one person to have by your side. Your options? Donald Trump or Volodymyr Zelensky. Who are you trusting to fight alongside you when everything is on the line?
I heard there was a planned protest in DC while this was going on. If so, thats a good way to take attention & viewers away from Trump. Get all people that don’t like what this administration has done and make all the noise outside where Trump & Congress will be. Make them hear the American People
All democrats should stand and silently walk out and then stand together outside with the protesters who will be at the March or hold their own press conference outside
I boycott everything that he says and does and any event about him. I turn the channel if I see him on TV. I scroll right on by if I see a post about him. He makes me physically, emotionally, and spiritually sick. I'm an old man, and I don't need that sinful negativity.
A huuuge crowd. The hugest crowd!! Shows up. 100% carrying handcuffs.
Hell, they can even be fuzzy porn cuffs, so long as he goes to prison in Guantanamo.
Immediately after he begins opening remarks, quietly stand up and leave the chamber. No fanfare, no MTG-style screeching/heckling, just quiet departure. Then gather on the Capitol steps and have AOC give the FACTUAL State of the Union.
He came to me & said Sir...
It's a big beautiful...the most beautiful...
Always sure signs he's lying.
Сосунка для петуха
But I'm not watching THIS one because the orange shitgibbon is a piece of fucking garbage.
In support of Ukraine.
If that nasty MTG can wear a cap & T-shirt & not get kicked out because that attire is forbidden the Dems should all show up dressed like either Zelensky or Muskrat.
I can’t stand looking at nasty little butthole mouth. I won’t watch.
I’m going to clean the hair out of my shower drain.
It will be a more pleasant experience.
No Obligation to Attend: Members of Congress are not legally required to attend the speech. Some lawmakers occasionally boycott the event for political reasons.
AMERICONS should boycot the speech.:)))))))))))))))))))
Maybe @meidastouch.com can schedule something for everyone to watch like they did for the inauguration.
Bonespur and ugly father Elon https://bsky.app/profile/artcandee.bsky.social/post/3ljgl7pt2qc2q
What we need is for a HEUUGE crowd to show up, all with handcuffs.
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
We need hecklers.
Mock him, yell at him, talk over him.
Disrupt and antagonize from the moment he steps in the door until he waddles off.
Is Squinty McHooker gong to skank up the place or is she still in hiding?
Just thinkin'
Either way : I won't be watching.
It will contain nothing of consequence since everything he says is a lie or he’ll deny he said it.
I'd love to see picture of the bags and bags mail person hauls in
Maybe all dress like Zelynsky as well and walk out!
I was never going to watch it
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Like "you suck", "everyone hates you", "resign NOW"...
Who wants to listen to his voice anyway.
he turns my stomach...i can't watch or listen to a racist rapist
And then go blahblah on social media.