With 270 busses/hour in 2019, Third Ave moved fewer people with more busses and less sidewalk space than any transit mall in North America. We absolutely need a legible transit spine, but this loud wall of diesel and metal that persists for chunks of the day has some real trade offs unfortunately.
I'd check with Jon or Alex. DSA's exploration of options and is still on their website. One thing that we questioned was the need to have a transferless trips all the way through downtown from North Seattle to South Seattle when it makes bus trips so slow and inefficient, primarily on Third.
What about this idea to run the center connector streetcar down 3rd…I’m assuming this isn’t just a Danny Westneat fever dream, but hadn’t heard anything about that proposal before
yeah dont get me wrong, i think the design can be way better for sure, i just dont think adding more noise and even fewer people by allowing cars on 3rd is a solution to that. it was pointing out how cars are an urban deterrent
I know the DSA has been focused on re-configuration for a while.
Any updates on a preferred approach?
Just curious if anyone is advancing concepts.
But also 1st is a slightly different transit market that isn’t currently being served. Notably, killing the CCC didn’t fix that.