He was always going to suspend military aid and dishonour the Budapest Memorandum USA security commitments for which 🇺🇦 paid in advance when it surrendered its large nuclear weapon stockpile.
He just want to screw something out for himself extra in the process.
He just want to screw something out for himself extra in the process.
Remember he has form for this. He tried to stiff Ukraine of the money Congress had voted through (about $430 million so not a huge amount) by trying to tie it to blackmailing Zelensky into providing false testimony and a prosecution of Hunter Biden re Bursina to damage Biden’s Pres run
Trump’s never forgiven Zelensky for refusing and what you see here is the petty, spiteful revenge that many people predicted
He’s hoping we will forget. I won’t.
But the deal was that they would step up for as long as necessary to protect Ukraine AND TO REFRAIN FROM ECONOMIC COERCIAN.