One of the many reasons MAGA hates Universities is that moms and dads send their christofascist indoctrinated kids to Unis and they... wake up. Not because of profs, but because they are surrounded by diverse students who push them to see the horrors of their upbringing.
The most ardent and aggressive proselytizers for *any cause* are the students themselves
What's risky to MAGA is freedom of information in a non-commercial setting. The entire movement is dependent on their info bubble
In the Christofascist religious cult I grew up in (the "Moonies"), my generation & older born into was the same. So they made a multi-year program to keep high school grads indoctrinated. Mormons & others do this too.
"It's the best years of your life they want to take" quoth The Clash.
Plus they learn that diversity enriches rather than deprives your life.
Their niece asked me a question about the universe or something and I answered it in a “I know facts way.”
She looks at me and goes, “please don’t confuse her. We don’t discuss that here.”
political stripe! I've had far right students in my classes. I've said, "You are free to believe whatever you want. If you are openly cruel intentionally to me or your classmates, well, we'll let the class decide your fate." Boy oh BOY do they behave.
You cannot get a broke 18 year old with student loans to care about social conservatism and trickle down economics