No three strikes and they’re out with friends who are trump supporters. Instant deletion from the address book after blocking them on all social platforms.
Yes. And it's not easy always. My brother who was always my hero. My son, who turned into a magat. I had to block him because he harassed me terribly because I wouldn't agree with him that transgender people are mentally ill. My son is 37, and in all those years, I never saw this side of him.
That's one of the saddest things since 2016 - the loss of friends, family, and colleagues that buy into this bullshit. The power of social media and Fox news 24x7. I always wondered how Nazi Germany happened and we are seeing it in real time.
Absolutely. I could never wrap my mind around how 1,000 people followed Jim Jones to another country & and committed suicide for him. I couldn't understand it. Then came trump. Millions following. Millions!!! It's mind-bending.