Is this a quiz 🤫 hmmm let me think who this law would apply to, would it be DJT and his relationship with Russia? But then the Supreme Court just gave a get out of jail card to such a man, does that make them co-conspirators?
And to think we were mere months from watching the collapse of the Putin/Russian regime until the treasonous acts of Krasnov. It's no coincidence that while the American stock market is falling, the Russian stock market is rising.
At this point, the entire repuglicant party is guilty. They bend the knee to the psychotic orange traitor, & he bends over for Putin.
Revolution is now!
Revolution is now!
The laws and constitution are worthless and toothless under Trumps reich.
They will gladly F--k over the American people for the rich. Just look at Thomas.
Too bad Washington, et al. couldn't go full Cromwell on the Terrorist King George III.
Individual fat, orange, or fucks please except my apologies.
See those tariffs are going well.