Alright folks, I need character suggestions for muscle/hyper/macro sketching content. OC's or Fanart of licensed characters are on the table.
I'll be choosing based off cool character designs and uniqueness. Ones that get my creativity going: I am not responsible for the skullduggery I create.
I'll be choosing based off cool character designs and uniqueness. Ones that get my creativity going: I am not responsible for the skullduggery I create.
Kabbu Bug Fables
Leif Bug Fables
Volcarona/Slither Wing but anthro
cool bugs deserve to be hugeeee
Yes, it's essentialy prehistoric Volcarona, but it's a good wild design that stands up Very Well for itself!
(And also big bug friend, because yes.
Unit is prime hugger material.)
You've done lots of Dragonborn stuff, but what about Dragonkin, the Starfinder equivalent? 8-20 feet tall dragon-humanoid hybrids, ripe for making BIG~ (sorry about the black on these)
My imagination sores.
Human Lieutenant: "So, the canteen is on deck 3, engineering's deck 5... ensign Val'dek, are you paying attention?"
Val'dek, crawling on his stomach down the comparatively tiny hallway: "*pant pant* A-aye, sir."
Small enough to fit in your quarters, big enough to bully your other crewmates.
Besides, no one ever said you had to stay "small" forever.
If anything I will volunteer my OC (fursona) It is a Macro character so feel free to play around with it. (You can find it easely cuz I don't post much)
Else.. I say these guys.
For ocs, how about barne?
Adding these fellows to the pool.
>T5's Yoshimitsu, or Jinpachi Mishima (in his spirit-possessed form, for the aesthetic alignment)
>Wild Vex Armour Chroma (Prime)
>Felgrand Dragon
>(Armoured) King Pridemoor
(Sadly, retracting the suggestion of Yoshimitsu, couldn't get a visual of his that I was somewhat satisfied with.)
So, to begin with: Paarthurnax.
(Had to basically rely on screenshots of cutscene videos for this, as I couldn't find any official art of this form, despite it being his final boss debut.)
Always love me humongous dudes that are unaware or casual about the chaos they cause while they grow larger. Men that don’t get the memo that they should hop off the planet or something.
Also, pecs. Anything with pecs. You draw em great and massive 👀