When in the hell is Hakeem Jeffries going to take point and call for nationwide protest?!?
We need hundreds of thousands of protestors in the streets. Not just a few thousand here and there!
Hakeem, where are you?!
We need hundreds of thousands of protestors in the streets. Not just a few thousand here and there!
Hakeem, where are you?!
You are pissed, find some friends and go buy some cardboard and start a trend.
Having Mr. Jeffries will draw too much attention & crush your nascent movement - a popular small local politician would be much better.
Control the neighborhood control it all.
I wish he was, but he’s not. He good in small groups, he’s a believer but he is drowning in the noise and has barely managed to get noticed.
If he was that guy he would have already been sharing headlines from day one.
You can make people into something they are not.
His job is to coordinate his peers to follow the party line.
You want a cultive personality.
Don’t be mad me. You are turning this into one of our famous circular firing squads because you don’t like reality.
Demand he step down if it pleases you - but …
Details are in this communication string.
Kelly, Warren, AOC if they can get the media’s attention & they are already trying to start the ball rolling.
Newsom is a good choice as a foil & will be forced by circumstance soon.
I'll expect Hakeen and Schumer to lead the charge.
And yes, my representative and senators also.
We need leadership.
You would be better off trying to convince one of the Governors with presidential ambitions or Mr. Sanders to get the ball rolling.
Mr. Jeffries is not a firebrand, he has no national ambition but he will be useful if it comes to micromanaging centrists.
I agree that we all at every level need a fire lit under our "toes" to save our country.
Our 50501 will not be sufficient.
We are blowing up
75 years of progress and good will.
Regardless of anything we can reclaim the damage done is already going to disadvantage us for the next 50 years at least.
The word of the USA is pretty much worthless now. The world will no longer trust us to be powerful
We need a leader; not someone selling his book.
He will be in Okland, CA, on the 21st.
I have been requesting senators Shift and Padilla follow Bernie Sanders lead and cross the country proving direction and actionable tasks to those who want to fight back.
As Chris said tonight, “If you’re an elected official, I have shown you what to do. Now, go do it”.