Surprised they didn't just release a statement about it tbh. It would really help because the proper context being missing is that it was a consultant who used GenAI, but the actual illustrator who worked on the film thought that the GenAI looked stupid so he drew originals.
Sorry but I think it's really telling how many of you were willing to trust an article by some random website called "RedShark News" and not a reputable source with access to the filmmakers like Filmmaker Magazine.
For what it's worth, I found this bit from a Filmmaker Magazine article while the film was *still in production*. At most it seems to have really just been a reference point from a consultant who was not even involved with the shoot and the illustrator made their own artwork in turn.
So yeah, I don't think it's great that a consultant using GenAI was used though looking at the "RedShark News" article it seems to be built primarily on the press notes rather than anyone who had direct contact with people who worked on the film.
But yeah, idk about you but this reads as if it doesn't seem like the GenAI ended up in the final product as much as it might have floated around as a possible reference.
That voice AI thing I’m still curious about though, Respeecher