Forwards in #FPL sorted according to their Salah Value (SVal). This is calculated relative to Salah's performance to be worth £13m at game start a couple of years ago.
"5+" is the number of Returns of 5pts or more
"10+" is the number of Hauls of 10pts or more
NbG is the number of appearances
"5+" is the number of Returns of 5pts or more
"10+" is the number of Hauls of 10pts or more
NbG is the number of appearances
"5+" is the number of Returns of 5pts or more
"10+" is the number of Hauls of 10pts or more
NbG is the number of appearances
"5+" is the number of Returns of 5pts or more
"10+" is the number of Hauls of 10pts or more
NbG is the number of appearances
"5+" is the number of Returns of 5pts or more
"10+" is the number of Hauls of 10pts or more
NbG is the number of appearances