Genre: Mystery
Kicked off February with the latest (for me) of JD Robb’s In Death series. At 50-something books in, I feel like you know what you’re signing up for. This delivers right down the middle.
Kicked off February with the latest (for me) of JD Robb’s In Death series. At 50-something books in, I feel like you know what you’re signing up for. This delivers right down the middle.
Sweet romance with a twist of a little magical realism. The vibe was Disney princess levels of sweet, but it matched the setting. I was onboard with this, but didn’t love a specific third act choice that knocked it down a star for me.
LOVED this. Grounded in Arthurian legend, voodoo, and modern day North Carolina. Addresses real-world issues while also delivering on the fantasy plot. Immediately ordered the second book in the cycle.
Less of a story and more of a reverie on humanity and what gives life meaning.
Representation of autism and anxiety within the bounds of a healthy relationship, we love to see it. This one also, though, had a baffling third act choice that seemed to both appear and resolve out of nowhere.
Interesting plot that really painted the picture of growing up in the Caribbean, but I wanted more character development. This was also the third book in three weeks that I read with (mostly off-page) SA as a plot device, and I’m just over it.
I thought the mystery itself was well-constructed! The author made a choice to have the tone be very fourth-wall breaking and meta-aware, though, which I found distracting to the point of being annoying