wrote up a reply to @cwebber's "How decentralized is Bluesky really" blog post:
glad this conversation is happening.
It's fair to say that evolving AP has taken up the lion's share of SocialCG attention for a while now.
But AFAIK it's a continuation of a previous W3C group that led to the chartering of the Social Web Working Group. Which, as well as drafting ActivityPub 1.0, also standardised a number […]
I believe the SocialCG was also the jumping off point for an attempt to standardise Zot at W3C, before @mike decided to abandon Zot as a separate protocol and fold its features into AP as a set of FEPs;
Although Mike (or others) […]
If the SocialCG can tolerate engineers from Meta being involved, I'm sure they could gird their loins and welcome participation in social web standards discussions from the BlueSky team ; )
applicaiton-specific schemas on top of that layer are more "document" […]
> federation isn't the best term for Bluesky to emphasize going forward
So if even BlueSky staff acknowledge that the ATmosphere is not federated, it doesn't really make sense to say it's part of the fediverse (or one of a set of "fediverses" *shudder*). Does it?
It comes down to a combination of goals, design approach, and an expectation […]
Oof, that's a high bar. The protocol itself may still be technically useful, sure, but Bluesky could tomorrow block access to […]
contact lists are awesome and under-utilized, and petnames are part of that. but they don't make sense for big-world or discovery.
we like DNS. it is technically centralized but power/governance is pretty devolved.
PLC needs work, but is self-certifying and that keeps a lot of paths open.