Fuck this. Librarians are the best. I stand with librarians and against book banning now and forever.
And yet these are not reasonable people. These are deeply unwell people who fear anything they can't control.
Sorry teachers - if you let Little Timmy pin his crayon scratchings on the corkboard, you’re going to jail.
I have an idea: if you want your kids ignorant & sheltered, you raise them that way. But let everyone else raise kids who have curiosity, knowledge, and culture. Quit messing up everyone else's lives.
They never questioned their fanaticism, passed it on from generation to generation and want to impose their way of life on everyone else.
I call this Christian fascism.
Someone used pretty much that list to point out The Bible needed to be banned in their state
Is a reasonable person the guy who told how he thinks the Rapture should have already happened during Covid?
The person who would rather see a trans kid dead?
Cause that's who this kind of law is appealing to.
Line up to the mind cemetery now
What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin'
They don't gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em"
"Librarians are the secret masters of the world. They control information. Don't ever piss one off." ~ Spider Robinson
*I know.
This has 1930s Germany vibes all over it, and EVIL.
Sure lord fax's people made a HUGE Profit for lord Fax, but...
Not yet anyway.
Mom, who works at the library, said their only option would’ve been to remove all youth library cards and turn away any unaccompanied kids.
Let’s just call this what it is: anti-intellectual & anti-curiosity.
But lets get rid of people who oversee Book depots. Libraries. Because THIS will fix everything.
Stop. Voting. GOP.
Which may be the point…
So *any* depiction of sex or nudity, no matter how tasteful or artistic, is obscene. And anything that is considered to have no merit is obscene even if it *doesn't* contain any sex or nudity?
*not good
Land of reactionary snowflakes is a better characteristic.
Or, is that the point? The kids won't leave if they don't know better?
Hopefully it ends up in a court that still respects the principles of the document.
… where it will die.
Damn, I could've sworn we won in 1945...
Just what those bloodsuckers want.
all i can ask is that you don’t cast us all as hicks
Just how many do they think the average person has?
Just to get an grasp what the philosophical background of these legislators is. They may deny it, but their actions are pretty clear.
Yeah but pipe dream, probably.