Quick FAQ
Q: Why are you boycotting russian content?
A: russia is a state sponsor of terrorism:
russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and russians are committing genocide against Ukrainians since 2022.
Consuming russian content funds rockets on our heads.
Q: Why are you boycotting russian content?
A: russia is a state sponsor of terrorism:
russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and russians are committing genocide against Ukrainians since 2022.
Consuming russian content funds rockets on our heads.
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A: "russophobia" is just another tool in russia's genocidal playbook. Portraying victim's attempts to defend against genocide and linguocide as "russophobia" is vile and dehumanizing.
A: No matter the context you're coming from - our moderation service IS NOT for you. We reserve the right to have our own agency in what's fair and relevant for our safety.
We will do our best to avoid abuse and continue improving on safety and security.
A: This service is NOT for you. We do our best to keep Ukrainian community safe. We utilize multiple layers of defense: proactive, reactive and automated lists, labels and we are constantly improving on our tools.
A: 72% of Ukrainian youth supports full or partial boycott of russian content.
Calling them extremist is not only dehumanizing - it further advances russia's genocidal agenda against it's victim
A: We don't currently accept appeals from non-users of the lists/labeler.
We have zero tolerance for harassment of our moderators.
Abusing of our lists for harassment is unacceptable and will be reported. Abusers will be denied access to our lists.
A: We are maintained by a team of volunteers at a limited capacity. 99% of the time "appeals" are in bad faith. We're not a court, place on our mute list is not a sentence. It's an attempt to make experience of Ukrainians bearable by warning about potential triggers