Here you go, follow this woman, , Jessica Craven. She's a community organizer, activist, elected member of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party. She tells you who to call & even gives you a script! Also, follow for info.
There are things we can all do and we should share ideas. I get that things can and will be different than anything before. It does not help anybody to say “we’re all going to die” or something to that effect. Why don’t people look at their message and ask themselves if it actually helps others.
I am getting the passport process started for my family. I’m beginning to slowly stock up on TP and other essentials in case there are shortages. Getting all healthcare appointments booked before January, in anticipation of the ACA being destroyed. Stuff like that.
1- Get your passport.
2- Have all important paperwork you can't live without.
3- Plan now where you'll land. Research everything about it.
4- Expect to take nothing but one suitcase.
No, not kidding. Informed last night from close relative who's in military to leave the country.
It's those 2 you have to protect the most. No one thought it would happen here, but most likely is. Not saying it will be easy, that's why you start researching now & prepare. You absolutely have to. I'm so upset by what I learned last night & it will never be in the media.
1) Find your communities and hold fast to them. On here, yes. But ideally in person. This can be family, neighbors, friends. Indivisible is a good place to start if you need help.
2) Hold fast to the truth. Invest in a paper journal and a pen and document what you know to be true. 🧵
5) Engage in democracy. We still have one, for as long as we can keep it.
That isn’t just voting, but a myriad of other, more immediate actions: calling or writing to elected officials, op-eds, community organizing (again, Indivisible can help), running for office or supporting a candidate.
My strategy to break the fascist spell is **experience agreement** in the flesh. Find an issue that everyone is unified around. If it seems impossible, but widen your lens. Mine is transparency in trade deal negotiation, everyone wants it. Water rights in another.
Thank you for sharing common sense ideas. There are people with a lot of followers who say nothing but doom. Do people actually want to be responsible for people hurting themselves or their families? I’m not naive but a lot of this doesn’t help!
Perhaps the best way to fight Trump and his people is to keep laughing at them & keep hammering home how weak they really are. They need to be seen as strong; if not, the whole edifice collapses.
Fundamentally they have no idea how to cooperate, how to be human - or how to run anything.
One of the eastern senators said today that we need to pay attention and be very vocal about every single thing they twist and break so we are ready to get to work when the time comes. And pull in our local government and not let go.
We can help them turn on each other - remember when Bannon moved into the WH and put himself in the NSC & everyone was saying he was running things (bc he was) Trump got jealous and pushed him out ->more of that needed
I keep thinking the same thing.. he has the senate house… so if he starts whining, about what? It’s not that his voters want to overthrow the government. Not sure this thing doesn’t go off the rails. Time will tell. And we can protest … rise up and fight.
Naked self interest. Bizarre ideas about the way things should work. Deliberate malice.
With no underlying morality, no sense of the common good, society & economy will start to collapse in on itself. Everybody will end up worse off from that - even Trump voters.
While many people voted for Trump we have to remember that there are a lot of undereducated, one issue voters. Most Americans fall in the center of the extremes and we will need to reach across that abyss and find common ground if we are to survive Trump. He is bad for all of us.
Keep pointing out the insane hypocrisy that happens daily. And show no mercy when the policies start affecting them negatively. So far, we have our own version of a “poem” going on.
First, they came for the immigrant, but I’m not an immigrant.
Then they came for the homeless, but I’m not homeless.
The autocratic oligarchs will NEVER give up their power voluntarily. I don’t think it’s possible to get the power back without taking to the streets and locking down the country. It’ll get bloody and messy.
Yes… but dismantling the government is another thing. My conservative relatives voted for him. But they believe in the government I’m not so sure they will just shrug and let it happen. Time will tell
A street gang can work together. But there's no real loyalty. And no vision of a shared humanity - and therefore no underlying morality. They don't care who gets hurt as they pursue naked self-interest.
You nailed it. They shrink in the face of humor. And ridicule. It’s so far away now, but recall “they’re so weird”. They were blubbering weaklings. Had no response. Unfortunately we defaulted to policy in lieu of driving the stake home.
For now pay attention and buy some seeds soy and corn are extremely useful, potatoes, tomatoes and anything else you might want, med supplies, learn horticulture and basic first aid. Potentially move to a blue state or have a plan to rally together in your area if stuff gets too bad.
This. What do we do? Do we cancel international travel plans? Should we take our money out? Do I need to learn how to make homemade bread? Do I need water purifiers?
Keep track locally, follow the antifascist handles, go to their websites, find out what's going on. When "antifa" was young, we did things like stand at the outskirts of pride events with our phones out and it stopped attacks. Show up, be sane, remember they're weaklings or they wouldn't be bigots.
2- Have all important paperwork you can't live without.
3- Plan now where you'll land. Research everything about it.
4- Expect to take nothing but one suitcase.
No, not kidding. Informed last night from close relative who's in military to leave the country.
2) Hold fast to the truth. Invest in a paper journal and a pen and document what you know to be true. 🧵
Invest in local and medium-sized journalism.
When people say incorrect things, call it out calmly and matter-of-factly.
Be prepared to give and receive aid (see: communities)
4) Take care of yourself. Water, food, rest, laughter, comfort, exercise. Living well is the best revenge.
That isn’t just voting, but a myriad of other, more immediate actions: calling or writing to elected officials, op-eds, community organizing (again, Indivisible can help), running for office or supporting a candidate.
Hope that is not a vague wish for an undefined future, but a defiant hope and a determination to fight it out.
Fundamentally they have no idea how to cooperate, how to be human - or how to run anything.
Trump & co can't help being opposed to that. Partly for cynical financial gain & partly because they're all just awful human beings.
Naked self interest. Bizarre ideas about the way things should work. Deliberate malice.
With no underlying morality, no sense of the common good, society & economy will start to collapse in on itself. Everybody will end up worse off from that - even Trump voters.
First, they came for the immigrant, but I’m not an immigrant.
Then they came for the homeless, but I’m not homeless.
Musk. Gaetz. Hegseth.
The problem for fantasists like Trump etc who refuse to believe in an objective reality is that objective reality always believes in you.
Show people how we are all being hurt.