*Marge voice* You kids shouldn't be watching all these violent cartoons! >:(
1st post of 2025! I actually started this in 2024, but finished it on the New Year haha
1st post of 2025! I actually started this in 2024, but finished it on the New Year haha
(The Simpsons aired on Cartoon Network here and I remember kid me being shocked by all the gore!)
Ooooh, now that's the 1st time I've heard of that being such a thing! CN + The Simpsons is an unlikely combo haha
Whoops, correction! It aired on Fox Kids (which makes much more sense), but the fact they went with a kids channel still cracks me up. It felt surreal to watch Scratchy's blood and guts fly across the screen as a kindergartener :D
I could see something similar happening to poor Swiftwind (though maybe not his eyeballs being replaced by bombs!). 😂 Instead, I could see Swiftwind's prey planting bombs on top of his eyes and waiting for them to explode! 🤣
Thank you for all the artwork you've done for me. I love how you've blown up Swiftwind over the years! LOL! 🤣🦅💥🍗❤️
And you are welcome!! It's always a joy drawing for you and getting to have a lot of fun with your prompts!