Nine's SMH pushes the agenda of the hard right in the Liberal Party, barracking for Warren Mundine to be the candidate for Bradfield! Hello! Bradfield voted FOR the Voice & will probably elect community independent candidate this election. #auspol #BradfieldVotes #AusVotes2025
and a quisling
gina's money and 300 a bottle moet here
Moral strength
An "adornment" according to Abbott.
Flip flopping between parties for personal gain a bit like Mark Latham.
Living proof of caring for people living "on struggle street" with his red sports car....
Yeah sure... Warren's the man for Bradfield. 🤣
Warren's never seen a freebee bandwagon he hasn't wanted to jump onto.
Or - in the words of the of the great Paul Keating:
He's a shiver looking for a double to run up".
"He's a shiver looking for a SPINE to run up".
Won’t be first to sell his soul for power and wealth.
Not a good look for someone wanting to be elected to (tongue in cheek) serve the people.
Go Nicolette Boele!
#GoTeals, #GoNicoletteBoele
He’s foolish enough to think he can win.
They are not morons.
The eternal fucking grifter. Always on the lookout for an 'opportunity' to enrich Warren Mundine.