Considering the females can live 15 years & lay 70,000 eggs a year, we should definitely be eating & exporting overseas. I've enjoyed eating frogs legs before but cane toads would be even meatier. Worth watching Tony Jones new series called "Eat the Invaders" on ABC where Chefs prepare them safely.
Well if he starts here’s a fact, Angry Anderson is half Mauritian making him part African.. I doubt he ever had a hankering for cats or dogs.. never judge a person by how they look
According to my impeccable source who does vox pops all day (my hairdresser), there’s enough knuckleheads in Australia to get him across the line unfortunately 🙄🤡
🌻he’ll just be pushing the anti Semitism angle this election-whilst decrying the horrible conditions for poor investors having to sell one of their investment properties to cope with the cost of living crisis caused by Labor🙄😂😊
Wasn’t my cup of tea