"Framework" semantics get in the way of progress way too much with React and I'm really tired of the "you must be this tall" narative from https://react.dev. Tools that drastically aid you to be productive with React deserve a seat at the table. Vite is just the obvious start among many other tools.
Meanwhile, even libraries that have an official framework are still strongly recommending Vite
I have an open PR that adds vite in the quick start guide
Being newer to modern React, the "unknown unkowns" problem has bit me multiple times. An official showcase of great 3rd party libraries would've been a godsend.
The goal of documentation is not to cover userland solutions. 🤷
It's kinda overdue really given how "batterys not incuded" react used to be
Who said you/they "have to"?
Parcel has the ease of use, but lacks popularity.
Webpack - the other way around.
Vite has both.
For: those who just want a plug n play solution.
Against: those who want options. And one of the main reasons why React beat out Angular in popularity. There wasn’t a “best practice” for React that you had to follow by the book.
And in the mean time there are a lot RFCs opened by the commu that will never be picked up
It had to be found by the community & fought by the whole community to drive a change
Whereas changes now feel like they are discovered after the release ("use client", useOptimistic, parallel fetching, etc)
what behavioral change in lazy components?
which was fixed shortly before React 19 went live:
IMHO that's the burden of React software in maintenance phase. There's no guarantee that any of the dependencies have a migration or a support path even just 5 years forward.
Same with RSC.
Months to reverse engineer, or days spread out over months? 👀
More and more devs think react = next.js which makes the journey unnecessary harder 😢