There are 801 billionaires in the United States, with a combined wealth of $6.22 trillion. There are 346,164,298 of us and we are struggling to make ends meet.
Let that shit sink in.
Let that shit sink in.
Musk makes $57,000,000/hour
They make more in an hour than I’ll make in 10 years.
I owed $8,000 income tax.
He owed $0. Yah, that’s fair. wtf.
Time to rise up.
They willfully do not get that the same people they keep trusting are the very people fucking everything up.
Then….look at how many are felons.
roughly 160,000,000 have a house hold income over 70,000 dollars
so maybe struggling to make ends meet in SF or NYC, but not in many other places
Draw your own conclusions.
And that might be a conservative estimate.
Regards from 🇳🇴
That’s the majority that doesn’t have the right to complain when it gets worse.