"The evil was not in the bread and circuses, per se, but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men for full bellies and the excitement of the games which would serve to distract them from the other human hungers which bread and circuses can never appease." Marcus T. Cicero
Bullshit. If you are struggling, best to look to see why. Do they really need to drive a Suburban for only two people? Do they need to buy tobacco or cannabis?
It is called priorites. If smoking and driving a gas guzzler are their priorities then they have no room to complain about eggs.
Struggling families face diverse challenges, and it’s not always about poor choices. Housing, healthcare, and inflation hit hard. Let’s empathize rather than assume—it’s more productive to address systemic issues than judge individual spending habits.
In Y2K, 2500+ SF houses were being built and people bought them. They could not afford to furnish it or heat it but they had 2500+sf.
In the US- the Ford F series is the most popular. In Europe, it is a subcompact Dacia.
All of this comes down to personal choices.
Different cultural values regarding space and varying economic conditions influence housing markets in each country rather than simply personal choice.
European vehicles are a reflection different consumer preferences, regulations, and market conditions. There is a Texas sayin’ that accounts for this: Big hat, No Ranch.
This kinda shallow aphorism has already run its' course. Democratic messaging engine, or, the entire lack thereof, is responsible for the fact that millions of Amerians enthusiastically voted against their own self-interests.
No, they thought they had power by thrusting that middle finger straight up to govt. not realizing they missed and shoved that illustrious finger right up their own ass.
The find out part starts January 20th. We still got lots of fuck around on them time!
Use it well Mayo. Use it well.
And the rest of us voted for Harris and now we are getting fucking chickens. Like 20 of them. Eggs for days. Eggs to give to all the fucking neighbors. No roosters though... too loud.
You know how you get cheaper eggs? You have an FDA and a CDC that will get bird flu under control, and a FTC that will investigate price fixing. Trump is offering none of these things.
Honestly I think it was mainly because they hate the idea of a black woman president. Oh and you can't forget they love "owning the libs" 💀 they think they fucked us... but we know the truth.
I know, and I still can't believe it. Seeding power to corporations and auocrats is not a recipe for better living. Things are going to get much harder and way more expensive 🥺.
2010 eggs $1.70 a dozen! You know if these people love oppression so much why didn’t they just move to Russia! Would’ve been cheaper than destroying America
It is called priorites. If smoking and driving a gas guzzler are their priorities then they have no room to complain about eggs.
In the US- the Ford F series is the most popular. In Europe, it is a subcompact Dacia.
All of this comes down to personal choices.
Now imagine how many more homes could be built if they were 1500 sf (my house).
Don't ever stop to think, you might forget to begin again.
The find out part starts January 20th. We still got lots of fuck around on them time!
Use it well Mayo. Use it well.
Can't teach stupid
Kamala was running alone, the other guy was a prop, and the independents decided they'd rather throw the whole country away