Basically, the world needs to concede that the USA is now under the control of a hostile, untrustworthy, unstable regime and is an enemy of all Western democracies. The USA needs to be kicked out of NATO and all countries should take steps to protect themselves against American belligerence.
I have definitely started using the word “fuck” a lot more often. As in, “I’m so fucking sick of this fucking felonious fuck wad and can’t fucking wait until that motherfucker is fucking dead and fucking buried so he can finally FUCK off”.
I am absolutely PISSED the LEADERSHIP of the democratic party did not have a plan to stop Project 2025. Sen. Schumer is on television holding an avocado and beer. It is clear the current leadership failed the people and must be replaced. They bear responsibility for what is happening.
Sure, but part of it, the conservative, Republican part, is screaming "F__k yeah!" while another part of it, the liberal, progressive, Democratic part, is screaming, "What the f__k?"
And the world is really laughing at the states. Trade war for what? For things that ward already in place? Canadians are still boycotting and looking for other supply sources.
And really...aren't there some that need a good fuckin'?
Let's do that! Start with Musk. We didn't elect him and Trump can pardon him, but he will never get in the position he's in today, again.
Yea we are all screaming fuck but the democrats in both houses are screaming yes to trump’s bull crap . If they keep voting for the gop bull then I’m out, you’re all on your own.
1/4 is still cheering about sticking it to the libs. 1/4 is in dismay that President Muskkk is robbing the nation blind while 1/2 the country is hoping the super bowl commercials are funny.
America is also collectively screaming "STOP!!!" It is time to organize and protest in the streets in huge numbers and not stay complacent or despondent. It is time 2 start electing serious and compassionate people in government and stop electing stupid and malevolent/corrupt people in government.
Geezus, I hate that rat bastard. Dearborn is a metaphor for all the people who stayed home or voted for that Russian cockroach Jill Stein to teach democrats a lesson. Fk ‘em all.
So is the rest of the world as we watch in bewilderment! Astonished that all of these travesties are allowed to happen in the the United States of America!
As an example
Let's do that! Start with Musk. We didn't elect him and Trump can pardon him, but he will never get in the position he's in today, again.
But I think your vulgarity is all your message is, driving emotional engagement for engagements sake.
Use your bullhorn better.
Do more
In fact I'm looking for a stronger word cuz lately that word isn't saying enough!
Until they start signaling to the public that this is an existential and urgent crisis, the public will not really understand the threat!
They must vote NO on everything!
Nothing but high fives and back slaps over on Fox.
It’s the only way.
That guy in charge might not notice
We have a deal (We'll throw in free health care)