musk's austerity commission sheds another top official: and yes, it's the guy who trump announced would be white house counsel, before changing his mind on that #herewegoagain
Article 3 forbids anyone who participated in an attempt to overthrow the government, or gave aid and comfort to insurrectionists, from holding federal office.
Thank you for holding my hand
After all he only picks the best.
Showing vote manipulation in NV
The loyal and enthralled will fall in and out of favour. Of course, Trump won't pay anyone and any misstep will cost dearly.
Once 🍊 wrings out everything he can, he'll throw what's left under a bus.
The mind boggles.
Working here to help create and implement infrastructure in swing states that will register progressive voters in rural districts and mobilize them to action in 2026.
Pete will turn the military against Americans.
Kash will turn the FBI against Americans.
This is BAD. Call your senator NOW.
Watch it live - show them WE ARE WATCHING!!!
Everybody's face is open to be eaten by these leopards.
... after all, he probably, as the saying goes "knows where (at least some of) the bodies are buried"!
How many $caramuccis for this one?