Noem said the president told her, “I want the first ad, I want you to thank me..."
Noem then claimed, “I said, ‘Yes, sir, I will thank you..."
Noem then claimed, “I said, ‘Yes, sir, I will thank you..."
Women - be and look as plastic as non-humanly possible
Men - be shitty and chauvinistic or GTFO
Everyone else - don't be alive
…and no, I’m not only thinking about what the add costs…
There has to be an LD50 for this stuff, right?
I will be telling my employer to change my W-4 to "exempt" and I will not pay one more penny of my hard earned money to this corrupt government.
They can come pry that money out of my cold, dead hands.
We all know he’s scum.
Hahahahahaha! That song is going to be in my head for the rest of the day like the 90's returned with headphones with push-buttons.
Way to go Cricket killer
How many could keep their job for that.
I hope to see you do the same.
The a-holes fired federal employees making $50k, so #OrangeShitenpants can spend it to massage his 💩.
Yea, let that sink in.
I wonder what channels ran those ads and made money? #Fox ?
Bring me a coke
They are people of color and you all must do something !!!
What did she give to Trump of this job? Is she going to be wife # 8?
Thank you Rachel for giving so much to us. I know a daily show is draining but you’re a true patriot and I am endeaded to you. So glad your back and when your finished I think Jen would be great on your slot