This is going to be important:
It is neither a department nor legitimate anything.
🧐 isn't there 'some law' about impersonating cops and isn't that textbook cop impersonation since no one ever deputized them?
🤔 isn't that an arrestable offense why do we keep sitting here muttering about
"Watch this space" -Rachal Maddow
They were the last line of defense against these bastards!
This leads me to conclude that maybe were preparing them to defend their land? Was this planned before Trump entered office? Does he even know?
There were several reporters there, we need to see more about this one, the one tomorrow, Sunday, and all over the US.
We are watching the devolution of our democratic republic to an authoritarian dictatorship.
What if our Outies did it, too?
Perhaps to brown shirts???
That is their game plan. Open up all the floodgates on the sewer plant so everything smells like crap. Then we are just praying for one rose to smell appears.
Keep up the great work
“Bay Area” now that there are vacancies.
No cell phones, caretakers, no computers. No internet.
Protect Federal Judges
Protect Federal Courts
Transfer Federal Prsioners
Hunt Federal Fugitives
That is all.
We are fucked.
Is Elon’s family supposed to traveling on OUR Air Force One!
My phone's got 5% or I'd cite it .
From the WORLD:
At what point is it "enough"?
There are only few options left, and none of them are relying on words only.
If not the garbage collectors can pick these white trash & ship it to a landfill in Russia! 🖕🤬
I have to oversimplify what I've patched together:
Fed. Protection Services (under OHS). ALSO Triple Canopy (owned by Constellis, a Corp formerly Blackwater. They train at Blackwater training facilities in VA). A Profesional Military Organization.
Check Wiki
I thought the Metropolice should've been called for breaking and entering.
They should've been arrested. Let them form a defense and tell us and show evidence of the legality of their presence there.
Who are you and what are you to me?
You guys got nothing and will pull whatever is up your ass, out.
USMS can deputize anybody they want.
Too much below the belt and plenty of head butting..
Scientists: ✅
Guardians of Public Lands: ✅
Inspectors general: ✅
Universities: ✅
Opposing voices:✅
Political opponents:✅
Judges: ✅
The concept keeps on getting more frightening:
Available soon at a Trumpmart or Muskmart near you! The MAGA idiots should buy theirs now since it will cost MORE when the tariffs kick in.
🪖🥾not included
I just announced I am running for Ohio Senator.
No matter HOW MUCH Elon pays his bodyguards it will NEVER be enough for any of them to take a bullet for his ass.
And Elon KNOWS IT!
Rereading the clip, I read it as the marshals visited on the first day, but I think the writer referenced the pardon occurred on the first day.
Why not just authorize secret service protection for Elmo? Why should we pay his own private security bill when we have capable security already being paid?
Just a reminder… they murdered many Roman emperors!
Remember Lucius Aelius Sejanus? He tried to overthrow Emperor Tiberius. Probably one of the first successful KGB/Putin type characters in history.
He was bald at 20
Asking for support.
We are grateful that you keep us informed
Revolution is now!
—Donny Bingbong has been up to his armpits in organized crime for years. As has Daddy Vladdy. Both of ‘em love brute force.
— Remember Masha Yovanovitch?
“She’s going to go through some things.”
Folks should read “House of Trump, House of Putin.”
That better NOT be the case.
Silence IS Complicity.
Cooperation IS Collaboration.
Keep notes. (Madame Defarge style)
Vive la Résistance!
THey would not comply with bullying, I suspect that was all threats or some deputized Musk security team members.
and sentence him,
and incarcerate him and….
A ‘presidential’ pardon 😤
Excuse me, but what in the actual fuck?