Hello! My name is Donna & I need to tell my story to the world! That's right! The whole wide 🌎 needs to hear my story! Robert Mercer recruited my handler of 30+yrs Marcel de Jong (who works dir. w/Alex Karp of Palantir & by default Musk & Thiel) to interface kids to train LLM's! So in a nutshell ...
Wow that worked! Ah...nothing like a goony-bird to lighten the load! Ok so R. Mercer was a pioneer of AI! His father Thomas T. Mercer had already secretly worked for defense & possibly the CIA as an aerosol scientist! & along w/ nuclear stuff he did some nefarious things w/aersoled psychedelics!
So kinda from the jump Robert Mercer was destined to be a SUPER VILLAIN! & he excelled at his job! He built an army of bad guys who learned how to interface the human 🧠 ! Which .. well.. to a megalomaniac... is kinda like the equivalent of winning the villian's vilian of super bowls!
So what can very bad men who want to do very bad things do with interfaced 🧠 's? Funny you should ask! As it turns out... quite a lot! Including.. like my very bad handler... Marcel de Jong of Autodesk camera drone fame... win Oscars for putting these very bad things into Pixars!
These are bad guys people! And I know you already know that! But I'm telling you they are very very very bad guys! They do stuff you would have to see to even believe!
The traitorous New York Times says what? I wouldn't use that fucking newspaper to line my bird cage. They're responsible for the disaster that is upon us and they can go down in flames
And because they’re supposedly fired for poor performance these employees have to respond “yes” on job applications with potential future employers, that ask “Have you ever been dismissed from a job for poor performance?” It’s evil and cruel in all respects to fire people in this way, with a LIE.
Now, the battle to save the bureau has created some strange bedfellows. Mortgage lenders, which have historically been one of the groups that bristled at the bureau’s oversight, have also pushed for the agency to not be shuttered. Even the blood sucking snakes..
And financial. We have to turn rich people into poor people. It's all they understand. 98% of us can't fight the police and the military. Everyone needs to buy ONLY essentials and GET OFF Twatter and Facebook. Bring the rich people down. They will turn on him if they lose enough money.
“The consumer bureau is resp’ble for compiling key mortgage int. rates… Because lenders need that rate to certify that their loans are in compliance with safe-lending rules, the mortgage market would freeze if the bureau abruptly stopped publishing it.”
Rachel, you might have to re-up for another 100 days. We really need you. My wife and I never miss a show. You're intelligent, comforting, and blessed with a ton of common sense.
Yes please….your show is the best for understanding what’s going on now and how it relates to past and future….we need you now more than ever! You’re the best!
Have to jump in here and agree, wholeheartedly! My tolerance for news of 2.0 is limited; I cannot give it what I gave w/1.0, and TRMS is my dependable source of news. But I'm also mindful of your tolerance. Would appreciate you beyond 100 days.
I agree. It’s a tough line. That’s why we must break the cycle. The Washington Union party isn’t here to play by their rules, but to rewrite them. If we build a real alternative with policies that serve the people, not party elites, the old labels will collapse under their own corruption
Oh, I’ve seen this. He’s really good. I do have what’s called the freedom, economy plan, which eliminates US debt, ends reliance on Wall Street, and build a self sustaining economy through public banking, fair trade, and worker driven growth. If you’re interested, I can share with you.
Honestly, I think the Dems right now need a democratic leaning centrist as their next candidate (for now, at least). This will allow the extremism to flip back, and it will also supply us with the independent voters we need to flip it back. Then we can start to undo all of the crap that Trump did.
They need to do something or will lose again in 2028. It is statistically possible with the way things are going that by the 2027/28 election cycle, 65 to 70% of voters will want a third-party choice.
Yes the electoral college has to go. I’m starting to release my thoughts and plans/policies on my website starting tomorrow.
If you’re interested, you can see it all at: https://washingtonunionparty.com
alt text the text screen shots. someone from your team is skimming comments. they know why it's asked. to choose not to alt text is to say people with disabilities aren't important to you. and that's a pretty crappy stance for your demographic. #alttext #universalaccess #disabilityaccess
Senators—Democrat, Republican, and Independent—Trump is dismantling our Republic to serve Putin's goals. Confirming unfit Cabinet members only aids him. Putin wants Alaska, Eastern Europe, and Greenland. Save our Republic. Stop Trump.
Why must all these left leaning publications be behind pay walls and/or forced sign ups so they can get your info? This is exactly why we lost the election, the right makes getting info from them easy, the left makes it difficult. Who are people going to turn to for info, the free or the paywall?
I've been engulfed by all this negative news this weekend. I'm slowly digiing myself out of this feeling, knowing Senator Gallego is having a town hall meeting towmorrow in Greater Phoenix. Hoping to at least to get a photo & talk to people. The location & time haven't been released.
If we don't form a plan for a democracy, as they did for a fascist state, then we have nothing to offer as the alternative, and people will accept p25, without a fight.
Watched your program on erasing the Enola Gay. My mother's maiden name is Gay. Her uncle was General Hobart "Happy" Gay, a top aide for Patton. He was with Patton when Patton died in a jeep wreck. He later was head of Ft. Bliss. I assume his name has been erased also.
Thank guy for sharing. Found many .org & .com web-sites with a good deal of information & honoraria for your great uncle. The Truman Library .gov site has at least one article: https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/photograph-records/2015-2194
I admire all of you for standing strong against all the push back you get, but I also fear for you all. Wish we could figure how to cyber shield you all from all the stick and stones, and even the names and faces, so they don't hurt you!?
In Europe, we call the american people, either Chinese², or Russian².
You're like them. In Russia & China, people don't give a damn about politics. All they want is: food to eat, money to pay bills, and a bit of healthcare. The rest is just a pastime, like you're doing here on Bluesky.
Ms. Meadow,
Please start investigating and talking about how everything Trump is doing is going towards one goal and one goal only!
Trump doesn't want to leave in 2028!
Aliens act.. chaos!
Tariffs.. chaos!
Disabling NATO.. chaos!
He will brainwash America and then National Emergency 2028!
I will quote Stalin, " and how many divisions does that Pope have". So, how many divisions does the judiciary have? This of course leads to an rather unpleasant conclusion; what's really is there to stop Trump? Did the system collapse all at once or little by little?
Have them work on something useful. Here’s an HR Bill everyone dodges - lol. I was asked to run for HOR Hollywood, declined. Ending Institutional Racism in America,
Thank you sincerely for being truthful and speaking out to help all of us understand better what’s happening. Your perspective means so much to so many. You are an American hero!!
The Felon President & his crony Musk don't respect our 5th Amendment of the US. We have Due Process Rights, "a LIFE-2 choose what kind of livelihood we want, a LIBERTY- of whether we want 2 b n a union or not & PROPERTY- 2 protect it from foreclosures", YES, THEY R VIOLTN FED WRKRS RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!
It appears the only way to stop
the MAGA cult’s coup d’ etat
& the transformation of America democracy
into a authoritarian nativist Christian
evangelical fundamentalists theocracy
will be protesting in town halls,
in the streets
& at the ballot boxes,
if there is another election.
They don’t know what they’re doing!
If you’re interested, you can see it all at: https://washingtonunionparty.com
Call it a Coup though, Musks aims are not fully aligned with Trumps!
they are good for a headline i guess
butt that's it,no?
I said what I said.
You're like them. In Russia & China, people don't give a damn about politics. All they want is: food to eat, money to pay bills, and a bit of healthcare. The rest is just a pastime, like you're doing here on Bluesky.
Please start investigating and talking about how everything Trump is doing is going towards one goal and one goal only!
Trump doesn't want to leave in 2028!
Aliens act.. chaos!
Tariffs.. chaos!
Disabling NATO.. chaos!
He will brainwash America and then National Emergency 2028!
Maj. Gen. Rogers featured today on Medal of Honor Monday page.