Quite honestly ... people treat their dogs much better than this. This is absolutely shameful! Well, it would be shameful if this admin were sincere people and were anything but cruel!
1. Lie to create a problem
2. Repeat the lie often
3. When challenged, raise your voice to repeat the lie;
4. Make the fake perps "subhumans"
5. Take them away to concentration camps.
6. Thank the Nazis
7. Repeat with another group of people
8. Keep repeating
Not like any dog I’ve ever known. Far worse, and the comparison always strike me as weird. Dogs are awesome and deserve to be treated well. So do human beings.
The government has to save money for the Cabinet members’ Christmas bonuses. It’s looking really, really good this year.
Did you see how much we took in just at Ft Knox?
As Democrats, it is important for us to communicate effectively with all people, regardless of their political beliefs or colors. We need to provide evidence made by Republicans and Trump. Communicating clearly and not just focus on saying everything perfectly. It's important to reach everyone. Talk
Tell me again that Christians r leading our country. WWJD not this. Faux Christians and believe me using God to mistreat people is a very bad idea! Read the OT and when kings went to idols, he destroyed them every time.So u better read the Bible instead of marketing them DT. U can’t take it with u.
Treated way worse than dogs? 😳
My sister has a dog who she totally spoils- he gets whatever he wants, he gets lots of love and pets all the time, he gets his fur shampooed/groomed regularly, he wears cute scarves for each holiday, etc.
It’s obscene that these poor people have been thrown into one of the most dangerous prisons in the world. The Trump team should be responsible for getting them released ASAP.
I hope your government is one day held accountable for the actions they have chosen to take.. because this is deplorable, and despicable behaviour towards other humans..
Torture and inhumane conditions. Even 10 years ago, if another country did this type thing, our government would be up in arms, and now our government is the one doing it.
How sad. It will not be fixed either because tRUMP will keep going. He is the AntiChrist, and we are in our lat days. So embrace God Almighty everyone...
The USA lost the moral high ground when it bypassed the UN to invade Iraq in 2003 and used torture on inmates at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. It’s been downhill ever since. That white stetson is filthy.
such a bad and sad way to treat fellow humsn.beings many are not.bad people I can't stand when a rapist a 34 time felon with many charges 91 felonies is calling migrants criminals that's just ridiculous Trump should be put out of office and his cruel.immigrant bull dog should be in prison
There are many reasons people immigrate to the USA. I heard one say, then why is it advertised if they don't? Personally, I would have been very distressed, to have walked with my baby a 1000+ mls looking for a better life, then having my child taken away, not knowing where they are!?
It is so hard to keep our eyes on all the balls being dropped. But, claiming due process is only for Americans, or saying that it’s just too hard to do for millions of people so let’s get rid of it (Killmeade, you unpatriotic sycophant)??
If they are experiencing overflow problems at this level of rounding up people, just how the hell are they planning on accommodating millions of detainees? I'm picturing the way s1ave traders stacked up kidnapped Africans in ship's hulls.
If you are feeling strong, google images of the living quarters for the El Salvadore camp. I don't want to post it bc it's humans stacked together in a way reminiscent of slave ships and Nazi camps. Brutal shit.
America is on the human rights watch list. Just a little PSA for you. Also note that democracy watch is planning on listing america as an authoritarian government in 2026, not a democracy. Just let that simmer.
Screw those brownshirts we all know what they think. They don't care cruelty is the point.
Smh don't let them take people FIGHT it might be the last time they are seen! So SOOOO done with these evil people. They are taking folks with GREENCARDS!
Allowing everyone involved in the family separation policy from 47’s first term to escape criminal punishment opened the door to the inhuman cruelty the media is now about to narrate and ‘We the People’ are now about to witness. No records kept, children still separated from their families today.
Please focus Ur coverage more on Republican areas & voters. We are in this predicament Bcoz of them. Any progress towards a solution, will happen when these people realize they were wrong.
Protests in NJ are to be expected. Report it in passing. We need to reach the Trumpers by every means possible.
Not criminals. Not here illegally. Denied due process. Sent to known grossly inhumane prison in foreign country. Steel bed. No pillow, matt, sheet, blanket, phone calls, visitors, messages, talking, daylight, lights off, and worse. Boys & men sent against judge orders.
Wouldn’t it have been simpler to sign into law the immigration legislation written by republicans, sent to Biden, thwarted by Trump, promised by Harris and still waiting for a presidential signature. Strict but LEGAL immigration law. Too simple?
Once you dehumanize your enemies, you no longer view them as human; there is no limit to what you can do to them. History says it only gets worse from here without intervention.
😣 this is terrible.
Look how people are not being treated with basic decency.
Does this even meet the international rules of war in how to treat prisoners of war?
Can't we exchange them for Pam Bondi even though on a good day, she's not worth one-tenth of one of those unfortunate men who were kidnapped and are now being held hostage in El Salvador. Bondi should be criminally charged!!!
I disagree Rachel, we would never treat dogs this badly. They’re treated like cockroaches, the scum of the earth. God pray for these people. This isn’t the America I grew up loving anymore
2. Repeat the lie often
3. When challenged, raise your voice to repeat the lie;
4. Make the fake perps "subhumans"
5. Take them away to concentration camps.
6. Thank the Nazis
7. Repeat with another group of people
8. Keep repeating
These monsters will burn in hell for what they're doing.
Did you see how much we took in just at Ft Knox?
My sister has a dog who she totally spoils- he gets whatever he wants, he gets lots of love and pets all the time, he gets his fur shampooed/groomed regularly, he wears cute scarves for each holiday, etc.
And one last thing, Deport Elon Musk!.
Well, this is the most important dropped ball.
Smh don't let them take people FIGHT it might be the last time they are seen! So SOOOO done with these evil people. They are taking folks with GREENCARDS!
I ABHOR these monsters!
Protests in NJ are to be expected. Report it in passing. We need to reach the Trumpers by every means possible.
Americans need to contact Republican representatives to impeach. They broke it, they bought it.
Oh, I forgot...Guiterrez is still busy with throwing his hands up wailing while actually living off Turdov's teat/treats.
Look how people are not being treated with basic decency.
Does this even meet the international rules of war in how to treat prisoners of war?