My family truly is the only reason I refuse to enter into politics. I try to keep my affiliations and opinions to myself, away from the public eye, but the line has been drawn in the sand. This country is on a collision course with the wrong side is a history book.
If you sat out the vote, voted third party, or blindly followed your spouse’s political leanings; you deserve to receive exactly what you voted for. Not choosing a side is tantamount to choosing to side with the villain, every time.
Bird flu is going to decimate those eggs you were so concerned about.
Most every piece of produce you eat in this country comes from a country the Republicans are trying to isolate us from.
So, sure; next time Louisiana is decimated, or Florida floods, let their states figure it out themselves; they don’t have the money.
A paid Russian operation whose sole intention is to siphon off votes from the democrats knowing they’ll never win an election