I have quite a few friends that ended up becoming a bit messed up after enduring this internal struggle. Repressed until their 20s.
Reposted from
Brawler Bat™
I'm reminded of the mid 2000s where I wished I wasn't gay. That life might be easier for me if I just conformed to what society wanted.
But this fandom dragged me out of that hell back then, and it keeps me strong now.
But this fandom dragged me out of that hell back then, and it keeps me strong now.
The shit society puts LGBTQ through is evil.
But I guess at least we have each other. There is beauty in the depths of the bonds and friendships we form with one another. Tbh, there is more love in many of my friendships than there is in the average cishet marriage.
And similarly, it was the fandom who helped me come to terms with the fact that I was gay and that it was not a big deal.
Took years to get over some of the hangups I had still retained thanks to society's bullshit, however.