I’ve created my cards & messages by hand for decades. Each year recipients tell me they’re harder to decipher. This is the first year I’m finding that true for myself, however I persist ~ just because
What on earth could you say about popping her baby boy's cherry that would make her feel better? And how could you stretch it out over 2 pages? Color me impressed! You must be a gifted writer.
I write a couple of letters a month, to random relatives or friends. They ALWAYS mention how glad they are to get ‘real mail’.
Be that handwritten letter, indeed. ✌️
I’ve created my cards & messages by hand for decades. Each year recipients tell me they’re harder to decipher. This is the first year I’m finding that true for myself, however I persist ~ just because
Now I'm practically part of the family.
Hand written letters do the trick. Show your partner they're worth the hours it takes learning to have legible hand writing.
It was a very lovey and apologetic letter involving all the reasons I love him and his family.
Intent to marry is also a good one. We have rings. 💍
I took every test in school on 2 hours of sleep. Great focus tactic since I'm unmedicated. I napped through half the SAT.
Be that handwritten letter, indeed. ✌️