People don’t want to talk on the phone. Especially professionals, like doctors offices. They would rather leave a voicemail. Talking to people on the phone used to be a pleasure for most. But now it’s an inconvenience. Sad society we live in.
I call people for a living. I do leave a lot of voice mails. I also do find myself in a fair few conversations. I’m building rapport with total strangers.
And my conversational starter is through medical research. Insomnia and nocturia. Not a classic ice breaker. People *do* want to talk.
They do -for sure- but we've got out of the habit of 'ringing' - we send a text or use a messenger app for what the app refers to as a 'chat'. All useful/friendly. Your way opens the door for genuine communication 👍🏼
I think they do. It just doesn’t happen. My docs don’t call. They email & text reminders. I can’t call. They don’t answer. I have to go to my website with Northwestern Health to find out any results of tests. No follow up. No internist who oversees all the specialist I see. It’s all very impersonal.
I remember when I was a kid, back in the 80’s, I got personalized stationary for Christmas. I wrote letters to everyone whose I could find and used my piggy bank to pay for stamps. I even pulled out the phone book and wanted to write letters to strangers, but my mom said no 😂
I try. I write occasional letters. I write more emails, which people seem to neglect to open. So I’m reduced to being the weird one in my diverse group of friends who writes long texts! Shocking! 4 friends usually respond with longish replies. Others can’t be bothered to write more than few words.
Voice phone calls have almost gone the same way...
Guilty on both counts🥲
And my conversational starter is through medical research. Insomnia and nocturia. Not a classic ice breaker. People *do* want to talk.