In short, Americans (and I assume you are American from your hurt feelings) brought the world to this regrettable point. You don’t get to tell the rest of the world they are wrong. At best, you get to help Europe put it right.
annoyance with tired tut tutting from irrelevant former colonial powers is closer to the mark. anyone with affection for many things english is exhausted with your generation’s knee jerk sneering. because it springs directly from petulance. but we’ve discussed this before.
no. he is detestable on a social level and wrong on foreign affairs. his political career is a result of his opponents overweening pretense and insincerity. we will see more of the same from london, paris and berlin this week. the real world. and very different from papier-mâché posturing.
Ah yes, the abusers’ line beloved of conservatives: “Look what you made me do”. No wonder you’re lashing out. You know that it is exactly this intellectual and moral bankruptcy that has exposed the US to a fascist coup. It’s difficult to see a way back for your country if you can’t see that.