As I sip a beer & skeet this worldwide from 35000 feet in the air, modern travel times amaze me. In the early 19th century it would take me over a month to go Houston -> Boston. Now? Fourish hours in the air. Glorious madness.
When the world’s on fire, we forget that we live in an age of wonders.
When the world’s on fire, we forget that we live in an age of wonders.
Of wonders I have seen
Airline travel's such a feat
to wow the century nineteen.
As I sip a beer and spend
Fourish hours in the air
I skeet of what the times portend
Now we've elected a nightmare.
As I sip a beer and think
(while 35 angels high)
Improvising's like a ska-
You can crash unexpectedly into the hard barrier of the limited character count in a skeet and totally ruin your flow.