Fascist parties are now seducing the poor and miserable, spouting "simple" solutions, excluding help to the ones who actually need it, only to get them expelled and mistreated afterwards - Look at who is getting cut out in the US immediately after choosing the new simple orange clown solution?
The problem is this is not only in the UK. It is everywhere, so common that it is becoming the new normal. Fascist parties are now seducing the poor and miserable, spouting "simple" solutions, excluding help to the ones who actually need it, only to get them expelled and mistreated afterwards.
Rich people don't sue either, they lobby.
All politicians should not be able to receive perks, 2nd jobs etc.
All political parties should not be able to receive donations from think tanks dressed up as charities where the direct source of funding is hidden.
We will continue to stand up to take the GO Nazi Putin Party out of power! Trump & the Republicans are domestic enemies now siding with foreign enemies. I plan to defy them at an early morning commuter route with messages: REVOLT! Once launched, our rebellion will not blow up like Musk's rockets..!
" investment firms get into trouble because the Mexican bubble bursts, you bail out Goldman Sachs. And — the latest Mexico bail out, and on and on. I mean, there’s case after case of this."
Establishment parties are in hock to wealthy private donors. Democracy is dead! Democracy is a sham to placate the masses. It's working well in the UK!
When it's convenient then even democracy will disappear.
All politicians should not be able to receive perks, 2nd jobs etc.
All political parties should not be able to receive donations from think tanks dressed up as charities where the direct source of funding is hidden.
Up next: Starmer's plan to bring back eugenics
chk this (from 1996)
" investment firms get into trouble because the Mexican bubble bursts, you bail out Goldman Sachs. And — the latest Mexico bail out, and on and on. I mean, there’s case after case of this."
When it's convenient then even democracy will disappear.