In case you missed it, Congress and the President did something good (in my opinion) recently. And this bill was first introduced in 2001 but kept dying in committee every two years ever since. Things can get better as long as we keep fighting.
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He has his finger on the pulse of social security and medicare.
Synopsis: This adds $190 Billion in debt against social security trust fund - which speeds up cuts to the system which impacts the rest of us for 3% it helps.
Social Security Retirement Insurance Benefits are calculated in such a way that those who had lower
Then we have spouse's and survivors benefits which you get when your work was low enough that you were dependent upon your spouse. The GPO applied here.
These existed for a reason - to prevent "double dipping." It's odd that there is this push to help them, in particular, when federal employees now, who are stuck with FERS,
They also weren't deducting anything - they calculated your benefit all at 15%.