Excited to announce *3* #AcademicJobs in *Humanities* at the University of Strathclyde. All are funded through the Charlotte Lythe Bequest to Humanities, which enables us to invest in PGT development and research excellence. Jobs are in History, Media and English/Creative Writing. Details below 🧵👇
Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellow/Lythe Lecturer in Race, Ethnicity and Migration
We are esp. interested in: Black History; Atlantic History; Histories of Africa and African Diaspora; History of Colonialism; African American History.
Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellow/Lythe Lecturer in Media Analytics (667119)
We are seeking applicants with an expertise in media analytics, audience measurement and/or the use of ‘big data’.
Strathclyde Chancellor’s Fellow/Lythe Senior Lecturer in Creative Practice
Applicants should have a strong profile in Creative Practice; expertise in screenwriting, theatre or multimediaarts would be especially welcome.