I don't think it is just empathy, it's logic. If civilization is to evolve, it's logical to feed babies / children when their minds are developing. It's logical to educate ALL people to achieve their true potential. It's also logical that if you leave people with nothing, WE will revolt in anger.
That is because the right ignores basic human values. It should not be extreme to want all people to have enough to eat, shelter, access to health care, education and jobs .
Right there with you.
If they want to call empathetic people commies, then ok.
When they start crying that their schools suck, mee maw doesn’t get her social security, all the people in the south don’t get help from fema. Soil, water, air increases cancer, health care will suck… then I say FAFO
Curious question to Alaskans:
As an Alaskan how do you guys up there feel about Russian state tv discussing taking Alaska as payment for Russia helping USA take Canada, Greenland and Ireland? Down here in Canada we’re horrified. Are people up there aware they are being used as pawns?
There is no such thing as far left. What has been falsly labelled in the US as far left for years. It is actually the center in most EU countries. The ones doing the false labeling are the actual commies ( friends of Putin ), the actual far left. Which seems to be most of the Trump Government & GOP
Honestly there's nothing wrong with being far left. There's something wrong with being a violent militant, but I think it bears mention the designation of “far” is subjective.
According to the “GOP,” D. are “radical extreme far leftists.”
According to the rest of the world D. are centre right.
If they want to call empathetic people commies, then ok.
When they start crying that their schools suck, mee maw doesn’t get her social security, all the people in the south don’t get help from fema. Soil, water, air increases cancer, health care will suck… then I say FAFO
This government has gone so far fascist right. Exactly what Hitler did by making the Germans terrified of the commies in 1933.
As an Alaskan how do you guys up there feel about Russian state tv discussing taking Alaska as payment for Russia helping USA take Canada, Greenland and Ireland? Down here in Canada we’re horrified. Are people up there aware they are being used as pawns?
According to the “GOP,” D. are “radical extreme far leftists.”
According to the rest of the world D. are centre right.
We all need to remember Musk's comment that empathy is the biggest threat to civilisation...!