The Big Lebowski
An entertaining but very odd scattershot film.
This movie is.. alot. Starts as a misunderstood identity plot, then detective plot, then a very jarring sudden ending.
Still laughed my way throughout!
Complicated story.
Lot of ins, lot of outs and what-have-yous.
An entertaining but very odd scattershot film.
This movie is.. alot. Starts as a misunderstood identity plot, then detective plot, then a very jarring sudden ending.
Still laughed my way throughout!
Complicated story.
Lot of ins, lot of outs and what-have-yous.
I feel like this movie could be a Back to the Future or Cornetto trilogy vibe where the meat lies in the insane details and visual gags.
I actually had quite fun with this game!
I enjoyed the combat, characters, OST etc.
Story's not perfect, but I still found it fun. Especially with Johnny's mannerisms at my side, even with Keanu's ok-acting!
Sidequests were def the highlight, each one always having a story around it.