whats your favourite game in each genre? :3

racing: Sonic Riders
RPG: Fire emblem 3H
fighting: Soul Calibur IV
platformer: Sly 3
adventure: The Last of Us
puzzle: Tetris
sports: does Rocket League count? If not college football 24
shooter: Overwatch (og)
horror: Resident Evil 2
MMO: Warframe?
Reposted from celes ⚔️
whats your favourite game in each genre?

racing: mario kart wii
RPG: fire emblem 10
fighting: nah, maybe smash bros
platformer: mario 3d world
adventure: mass effect
puzzle: grand strategy stuff if it counts
sports: nah
shooter: splatoon
horror: nah, unless luigi’s mansion counts
MMO: ff14
