- no, you probably wouldn’t wire all of our rail mileage. they’re called “main lines” for a reason
- battery electrification solution will require additional generation capacity, and last time I checked hydrogen production requires quite a bit of power.
- re: OpEx impacts, see 1
- battery electrification solution will require additional generation capacity, and last time I checked hydrogen production requires quite a bit of power.
- re: OpEx impacts, see 1
Re batteries: that’s true-ish. Unless you’re willing to take a significant hit on loco availability your charging is going to happen when trains are in yards, which isn’t going to be strongly correlated w demand troughs.
A consultant you bring in from 1000 miles away to tell you what you want to hear, while an expert you bring in from 2000 miles away to tell you what you want to hear.
Re-wiring would fly in the face of a major goal of dumping "line departments".