Das ist exakt der Grund, aus dem ich keine Geduld mit cis Frauen habe, sie ausschließlich von "Gewalt gegen Frauen" reden und TIN*-Personen komplett ignorieren.
Es geht nicht um political correctness. Es geht um Statistiken, Gesetze, Schutzkonzepte und unser schieres Existieren.
Es geht nicht um political correctness. Es geht um Statistiken, Gesetze, Schutzkonzepte und unser schieres Existieren.
Reposted from
hello cis friends
this is what people mean by trans genocide
if a type of person does not officially exist, then any harm against them cannot be measured or reported
this headline change isn't even being caused by an executive order
it's simply the NYT editors deciding we don't deserve to exist
this is what people mean by trans genocide
if a type of person does not officially exist, then any harm against them cannot be measured or reported
this headline change isn't even being caused by an executive order
it's simply the NYT editors deciding we don't deserve to exist
Am Ende der "ich gendere nicht"-Straße liegt der Genozid an trans Menschen.