I think there is the added layer that if he says anything negative it’s likely to create a security threat for Taylor. He still stuck his foot directly into his mouth though.
I agree! But he could’ve easily answered it without saying anything negative “I’m just really excited for everyone to see the big game” or whatever variation of that
But that’s not what he said though. He said it would be an honor for any president. He was trying to be diplomatic to not draw ire or further security issues.
I mean I don’t agree with that statement but I don’t think it’s worth the ire it’s drawing. It’s a pretty standard “I’m trying to be neutral here because my job and my safety depends on it”.
I’ve used similar phrasing when reaching out to Republican law makers and other people where I know if I go full force leftist they’re not going to listen to me
I think there are at least 50 different ways to respond if safety or career is a concern without saying you’re honored and this is the greatest country when it’s literally not by any standard.
The whole point is that it DOES matter who the president is so him saying that is the issue - he can look out for his safety without saying that.. a super easy positive leaning answer is “I’m so excited for everyone to see us play!” Or any version of that
There are more important things going on in the world than what Taylor Swift’s boyfriend did or did not say. I don’t think it was the best thing to say but it wasn’t him secretly signaling his support for Trump when he clearly doesn’t.
I totally respect that and see what you’re saying but I do feel like he was giving a diplomatic answer to a question that did not deserve a diplomatic answer by any means..idk him or his politics at the end of the day, but I do think there’s more to this specific situation than just “he’s a trumper”
I think the most likely reality is that he’s incredibly privileged and isn’t going to be impacted by anything Trump says or does, so he simply doesn’t care enough… which is a really crappy reality and makes him look just as bad, honestly. But you’re right he’s probably not like “MAGA”
Again not defending him - I think his answer was HORSE SHIT and even just the blatant disrespect of saying “America is the greatest country in the world”… like to who bro… but idk I think he made an idiot mistake and he should be called out for it