Trump’s statement on the California wildfires is absolutely disgusting. Now is not the time for politics and lies—It’s a time for unity and leadership, something Trump knows nothing about. Truly abhorrent.
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Gavin didn't sign that because it was just a scam for a few corporations to take Northern Californian water for extraction and other industries in Southern California. It had no provisions for improving any fire suppression infrastructure and would have harmed the wine, also an important industry.
What did you expect from Dumbfuck DonOLD. He knows nothing about anything but is always spouting off his nonsense. There are people in Memory Care units due to talking the same a tRump.
The reason this exists, is because the greedy who run this planet and own your politicians want to extract every last cent of profit from the planet. It exists because of profit margins.
Climate change? Fuck us right....
Think this problem will fix itself within the system?
Trump took to social media after Helene, suggesting Biden somehow changed the track of the storm and FEMA had spent the funds on housing undocumented immigrants.
IOW, lying about and politicizing disasters is Trump’s jam. Even when the victims are his MAGA faithful.
Trump thinks Canada has a big faucet we can turn on to bring water to California. Apparently it takes 2 days to turn it. So why doesn’t he ask us to turn it on if we have this big, beautiful faucet? Bc he made it up. 🇨🇦. Stay away from our water (and smelt)
Every morning, on the other side of the world, we wake to learn about a new low set by the incoming US president. It’s so disheartening and I’m sure I’m not alone. We are meant to evolve. Not devolve.
Blaming the wrong people to avoid the issue because it doesn't fit your misinformed narrative ensures these things will continue and escalate. He's not a leader, he's a fool.
Donald Trump is a bully, plain and simple. Instead of offering solutions or compassion, he spreads lies and division during a crisis. Leadership means uniting people, not tearing them apart for political points. Californians deserve support, not this disgraceful display of pettiness. SAD!
Oh, really? That’s what I do? Funny how the only thing spreading is your own nonsense. I’m out here calling out corruption and fighting for real change, while you’re busy playing the victim card. Keep your fake compassion—I’ll stick to the truth, which is something you CLEARLY can’t handle!
Oh, you couldn’t care less? Funny how you’re still here, running your mouth. You clearly care enough to drop a comment. You don’t know what a liberal is — if you did, you’d understand real change isn’t about whining; it’s about standing up and fighting for it. But hey, keep talking, it’s cute!
Listen. You can argue with a moron until the end of time and beyond. You've already made as much of an impression on this moron as will ever be possible.
Please stop reposting his blather - you are implicitly acting as his pawn. All he wants is attention and you are foolishly granting him his wish. He's an illiterate spiteful envious idiot. Treat him as one.
Stupid big baby man president babbles and it is just noise to me. Like a brook. The man lives in a fantasy world that he has constructed for himself and his position relies on a suspension of disbelief by the public. Nothing he says is real. This is not sustainable. Truth will win out.
Donald Trump’s words are lies and tools for manipulation. It is on how he affects society and government and what his true intentions are, that I focus. His words have no meaning in themselves other than to prove he is a liar and grifter.
He is an evil, narcissistic pile of 💩. There is a special place in Hell for this prick. Satan knows he is getting him but just keeping the 🍊🤡💩 on this earth to keep torturing all of humanity because….ya know….that’s what evil does. 🤬
A month ago Trump was threatening to withhold Federal Fighterfighting Aid from California is Newsom didn’t comply with Trump’s agenda (which is textbook fascism btw). Now he’s pretending he’s the one trying to help, how stupid does he think we are?
And the fucking nicknames, god, he’s so insufferably childish and stupid I can’t believe we have to deal with this for 4 more years. This is the worst timeline.
I just can’t compare him to a 5th grader. I’ve known far too many elementary age children who have the intellect to realize “there is no giant faucet” to turn on! He simply has a brain deficit.
I'm actually not going to read this because I don't care what he thinks about anything, Harry. I'm done. It's absolutely possible to stay abreast of the news without subjecting oneself to his "thoughts" verbatim. But let me guess -- it's cruel and stupid.
DonOld J. Trump does NOT care about the people of California !!! He leaves them stranded at his campaign events without bus rides back to their vehicle, making them walk several miles.
How can anyone respect this horrible person! Trump is a total man child! Can he ever comment without name calling? Man it’s going to be a long 4 years!!
Climate change? Fuck us right....
Think this problem will fix itself within the system?
IOW, lying about and politicizing disasters is Trump’s jam. Even when the victims are his MAGA faithful.
The proper response is
My heart goes out to the people of California for the devastating disaster and I will promise aid in your time of need.
Instead Mr Asshole response
Spread Lies, Divide people and Use Fake Compassion.
I couldn't care less since Libs are incapable of making real change.
You think he’ll go and throw water bottles at people to help them in their time of crisis