Our research team just released a gridded, high-resolution (~220m) historical and projected mid-21st century climate and water balance dataset for the western US! Find the data and info here: https://osf.io/w6jvk/
#Climate #ClimateData #GlobalChange
Our research team just released a gridded, high-resolution (~220m) historical and projected mid-21st century climate and water balance dataset for the western US! Find the data and info here: https://osf.io/w6jvk/
#Climate #ClimateData #GlobalChange
We call the product 'TopoTerra', because we downscaled TerraClimate data using the spatial footprint of another dataset called TopoFire.
We provide four downscaled variables in the TopoTerra dataset:
1. Annual actual evapotranspiration (AET)
2. Annual climatic water deficit (CWD)
3. Mean low temp in January (Tmin)
4. Mean high temp in July (Tmax)
TopoTerra products provide an improvement over many other climate datasets because they account for the influence of solar insolation. TopoTerra variables will exhibit warmer and drier conditions on slopes with southern aspects compared to their counterparts on northern aspects.
As far as I know, most other downscaled climate datasets use elevational lapse rates and therefore don’t account for fine-scale, topographically driven differences in solar insolation. TopoTerra can be considered a downscaled version of TerraClimate.
Can you think of any useful applications for this dataset? Personally, I'm modeling historical and mid-21st century bioclimatic suitability of the threatened whitebark pine.