Four years ago I made a video of my dog, who was my best buddy in the whole world, in which I was singing him that song “friendship is like an ointment after you’ve been stung by 50 bees, wherever you rub it, it’ll feel better, because it’s a topical analgesic” he’s dead now 😢
Thank you most kindly. He was the very best ointment, and I was very fortunate to have him rubbed on me. Life without him is like being stung by all the bees 🐝, but I’d do it again.
Ahhh that’s that historical American moment I keep forgetting about that I’m supposed to remember every year! The great Bee Hole War in which we lost the Hill Person Father!
If only I'd seen this last summer, before I raked over a hole in the ground that sent a restless swarm of bees out into the yard. They didn't calm down for days!
Like your toe.
Or your nose.
Bees no