I think there are depictions of Batman in his almost 100 years of history that portrayal him in an antihero light but the "core Batman" as much as that concept exists is imo very strongly heroic as opposed to antiheroic.
What do you think an antihero is, if not a heroic character that has some non-heroic/villainous traits? An explicit or implicit threat of murder (Batman hanging a mook over a large drop while interrogating them) is a staple antihero thing to do.
Personally I think an anti-hero is more of a character who does "the right thing for the wrong reasons" but there's room for maneuver in the definitions. And just that sort of thing, hanging a guy over a long drop like that, feels out of character for Batman (to me, i understand other disagree).
There's an scene in The Animated Series that illustrates my idea of Batman's intimidation really well. A mook opens a door, sees Batman searching a room for clues, and wisely decides to completely pretend he didn't see him and call out to his buddies that the room is empty and move on.
But I do think you bring up a good point. I didn't realize until I started thinking about it that the line between hero and anti-hero is a little blurry. Theres No official marker or anything. Makes it a fun conversation
I think ALL heroes have non-heroic traits. Otherwise they'd all be too one note and boring. What separates an anti-hero is their motives in my opinion.