Can someone explain this to me like someone who has no idea how research works, because 70% administrative overhead sounds completely insane.
If I had a project with 70% administrative overhead I should be fired (out of a cannon) so something in all of this is wrong
If I had a project with 70% administrative overhead I should be fired (out of a cannon) so something in all of this is wrong
Maybe I don't understand what this is 70% of.
If I have a project that I need $10m to fund the guts of, for example, but I have 70% overhead, how much additionally do I need to request to cover that?
Most research at most universities loses money, even with those overhead rates.
(This is a feature, not a bug, of universities relative to the private sector.)
Which seems pretty crazy, but that's why I'm trying to understand
100% accounts for salaries+materials+equipment. That 70% often tracks how expensive rents are, but also how much institutions are building infrastructure to foster innovation.
Project 2025 knows this hits blue cities hardest.
I was thinking specifically about bigger ticket instrumentation that runs $100k+ (electron microscopes, spatial imagers, DNA sequencers, high-end mass spectrometers).