On February 19, federal workers are sounding the alarm.
π¨SOS: Save Our Services from Musk and billionaires intent on stealing data and slashing vital services like healthcare for the elderly, veterans, and all Americans. We need everyone. Join us.
--> https://go.savepublicservices.com
π¨SOS: Save Our Services from Musk and billionaires intent on stealing data and slashing vital services like healthcare for the elderly, veterans, and all Americans. We need everyone. Join us.
--> https://go.savepublicservices.com
I want to know who vetted Elon? How is an authorized civilian able to go into the treasury and IRS and SS departments and fire people. WTF!!!! Who is sitting on their asses and not putting a stop to this? Wait let me guess!
LOCAL DISTRICT 3 California House of Representative, Kevin Kiley (R) has changed his Rocklin Office phone number in the last few days, it is inoperable. (914) 724-2575. Not trivial.
Reported to the local Grass Valley, CA. newspaper, The Union.
Impeachment exists for a reason. As does the constitution. As does uprising. As does -and you'll never see another example of me saying this- your precious right to bear arms.
America, stop whining and do.
Copy. Paste. Share. Scream. Send to Bernie. Cornell. ACT-UP, Anyone?